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Tyler Simons- Aspiring Theatre Director and Dramatic Arts Educator

About me

  • Currently Studying: B.A. Theatre Studies with Education Minor

  • KCACTF SDC Award for Best Director of a 10-Minute Play

  • Two-time KCACTF Student Director Nominee


So what's my story? My name is Tyler Simons I am originally from South Florida and recently moved to Orlando to attend The University of Central Florida for my Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies and a Minor in Education. My lifelong passion for the performing arts has always brought me back to the stage! From my very first time performing in a choir at 8 years old to directing and assistant directing new and innovative pieces of theatre that highlight inclusivity and diversity at the university level my journey has definitely taken a lot of twists and turns! Yet, my focus has always returned me to my true passion for education and directing. My joys in life are traveling, spending quality time with friends, experiencing new and innovative theatrical experiences, and of course, going to Disney! 


My ambition as an upcoming director is to work alongside creative teams to develop new plays and musicals that expand on the meaning of necessary theatre. As an openly Queer and Jewish director, the forefront of my directing vision is to develop theatre for underrepresented voices. Additionally, I find it extremely important to work on pieces that highlight the inclusiveness of individuality for all races, colors, religions, familial statuses, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, national origins, ages, and physical abilities that highlight the beauty of the individual differences that make us so unique. On top of that, my motivation propels me to create spaces that push boundaries and comfort as well as create respect and a safe environment for everyone. This safeness is not only defined by the paramount emotional and physical safety of the actors, but also by the importance of protecting stories and providing a space in which all people are welcome to do the art they love so much without fear, judgment, or hate. I was raised in a divided household, so anything that pertained to religion, sexual orientation, race, and uniqueness contained polar opposite views; yet, this polarity is what drives me to create community within theatre. To create a space in which diverging opinions are welcome and where polar opposites find a middle ground to have a unifying conversation, alluding to my overarching dream to make art and not war in the theatre community. 

"Make Art Not War"

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